Date released:
September 20, 2021


I planned on doing this shoot few months ago at a library or a bookshop, but no library was open & the only bookshop available didn't agree with me using their place. I had forgotten about the shoot until I was walking one day & saw these logs of wood & immediately I remembered the shoot & the idea connected. I'm so glad the bookshop didn't approve my shoot because it turned out better than I expected.  My desire is for everyone to have their different interpretation of these images, but I'll just drop mine & you all can drop your's in the comment section.  When I saw the logs of wood, I remembered that paper was made from wood & that the book in her hand is made from paper.  So she's sitting on the same wood that's used to make the book in her hands that's capable of blessing allot of lives, including her's but she can't see it because she's blindfolded. You see, that's how many people are. Allot of people are unaware that we are raw materials & all we have to do is to look deep to tap that potential of creating something so amazing that it can bless lives & change the world forever.  Just like the logs of wood, they are raw materials & may not appear so Beautiful, but they can be processed to great things.  This is just a gentle reminder, that You are capable of doing great things.

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