Date released:
July 8, 2021
Photo credit:
Engin Akyurt

Pain is Beauty

I sought the feeling of pain,

So I punctured my ears and nose

And wore golden stars on them

I had dark lines, shapes drawn on my crooks ‘n’ sleeves---

Tiny stars running down my crooks

Dandelions on my sleeves;

That every time sadness knocks

I’d wish on the dandelions that she might vanish

And if she should persist

I’d bore my skin the more

For I love the feeling---

Exploring pain in its various genres;

Like I do the comets and stars

Which I now know in and out

Yeah, I adore the experience, having diverse flavours of pain

Glowing amidst aches running down my spine

Growing to reveal queenly beauty;

Life will sure be proud of me

For her lessons I have well embraced:

Pain is a headmistress to mortals,

Beauty is birthed right amongst thorns

Mama will be glad to see her girl

Shining through punctures hurts and scars.

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