Date released:
April 16, 2021
Photo credit:
M Tukurah

A fire and other poems


I remember when it started

With a fire,

Which birthed unbridled peals

Of laughter,

When you were a new flame fanning me

With desire,

At first, we yearned

For each other,

Drowning in a delirious dance

Of passion.

And then we burned

Each other

In a searing, scorching


You were a dragon, spitting words

Like fiery flames,

You were proud, unyielding, bartering

Blame games,

Until our love laid out

In ruins,

A waste land of towering

Sand dunes.

Now smoke and ashes

Is our plight

And no phoenix

Takes flight.


Against clear skies, the most striking blue,

Golden beams streak the peak of her plateau.

Like a line of ants in search of sugar,

Her ever flowing streams shimmer.

Snaking through the surrounding veldt,

Her green is speckled with purple gladioli bells,

And wild sunflowers swaying to the rhythm of cold winds.

Like balanced ballerinas, grey rocks stand on emerald hills,

Wreaths of clouds swirl around her weeping mountains.

Struck I am at the beauty of this masterpiece,

Of  polychromatic brush strokes and intricate carvings.

The most magnificent canvas I have ever seen

Surely, a great artist must have painted this scene.


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