Elvis Onyango

My name is Elvis Onyango Amolo .Born in 1998 in the hilly country side of Homabay county in Kenya .I,m a native of Kagan village . My colorful paintings pay homage to my homeland .My distinctive personal style emanates joy and peace expressing the vibrant spirit and atmosphere of Kenya. I believe that my paintings tell a story that needs to be keenly listened to. My favorite art subject is the giraffe which is a towering symbol of strength and bravery. As a child I always made drawings as a hobby but never had the chance to attend an art class. Deep down I admired artists and their work. When I finished high school , I started working as a shop attendant at a movie shop. There I developed great interest in animated movies. This led to me applying for a course in Animation and Digital Media design at Nairobi Institute of  Technology in January 2019 . For the one semester that I was there, my artistic abilities were sort of unlocked. I was not able to continue my studies there because my parents were unable to raise the fee for another semester .I am grateful that I got to attend school there because I gained courage to start working on my drawings. I have been practicing my Art since. Being an Artist has made me view life from a whole different perspective. A new way to accept and learn to live harmoniously in your environment. It sort of changed the way I perceived the world .I hope that one day my art will change other people’s way of viewing the world. My dream is to view my paintings in an Art Gallery. I hope my dream will come true .I draw on any surface available around me. some of my paintings are on canvas and wood using any type of medium to paint .

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